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Vanderbilt-Ancora partnership advances research for rare form of epilepsy
press Jessica Sagers press Jessica Sagers

Vanderbilt-Ancora partnership advances research for rare form of epilepsy

Vanderbilt researchers’ partnership with Ancora Innovation LLC, a Deerfield Management company that supports Vanderbilt University’s innovative life science research, has added an effort to develop therapeutics for a rare form of epilepsy. This is the fourth drug discovery and development program supported through the Ancora-Vanderbilt collaboration.

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Deerfield Management and Vanderbilt University announce the launch of Ancora Innovation
press Jessica Sagers press Jessica Sagers

Deerfield Management and Vanderbilt University announce the launch of Ancora Innovation

Deerfield Management and Vanderbilt University announced today the launch of Ancora Innovation, LLC (“Ancora”), a Deerfield company that will support Vanderbilt’s innovative life science research and leverage Deerfield’s expertise in accelerating state-of-the-art drug development. Ancora will fund projects with the aim of changing the current paradigm of drug development and establishing novel therapeutics to cure life-altering disease.

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